A security system for Gmod that I put together, works entirely
on ingame ent_fires. Filmed on location in the "Tubes of the Internets."
Original post on Facepunch:
The system currently features:
Transparent doors- these are my doors from v2 of E Fort.
Prison Transparent Doors- These are similiar to my v2 Prison door,
they have two buttons now though, open and close
Vehicle and Backroom doors- these are similiar to my doors in v2
for the vehicle pathways, and the airboat launchs
Dynamic doors- I added this since alot of people still like their
dynamic doors from any door mod.
Colored Walls- My seperate garages from v2 as well as a couple new
colors added. Refer to e_forthelp.
Transparent escape doors- style that is seen in v2 computer area,
escape, they are not secure based though.
Explosive Trap stuff- This is from my first E Fort, used in the
second Version in the prison.
Lasers- Recent addition, you need vmf loader to use them, they are
set up of fireuser, instead of +use
Turrets- Another recent addition, they are older than the lasers
Prision wall- From my original fort, the minge burner window, then
adapted to become the prison view window.
MingeBurner- I have added my coding for the mingeburner.
Security Light- Some systems have their own versions, The system
has it's own version as well, Blinks red and white, solid green.
E Fort Configurations Downloads-Rar
http://rapidshare.de/files/29942776/SecureV1.5b.rar - Rapidshare
http://files.filefront.com/SecureV15brar/;5425573;;/fileinfo.html -
E Fort Configurations Downloads-Zip
http://rapidshare.de/files/29942783/SecureV1.5b.zip - Rapidshare
http://files.filefront.com/SecureV15bzip/;5425574;;/fileinfo.html -
To install drop the contents of the zip into your gmod9/ folder.
This line added to your autoexec, or userconfig, will start the E Fort
Configuration everytime you start Garry's Mod.
exec e_fort/e_fort.cfg
Miniture mech, took about 14 hours.
Original post on Facepunch: http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=145358
This version is walkable with no problems, it acts almost like a
It was built as small as I could possibly go, I have made a save of it, which
can be downloaded
4 Left forward
6 Right forward
5 Fix legs
5 + 2 Hover and lift off depending on how you use, tap 5 while holding 2 down to
7 and 9 used to turn the upper torso, there's a rogue weld somewhere, I didn't
realize it till too late so now, just use with 5 to keep legs from twisting up.
For it to work without many issues, nocollide all the joint areas, and there is
a small sign under each foot use the color gun to expose it, and set it to ice
on ice.
There was lasers on the mech but, for some reason or another the save didn't
save them correctly, so you need to remove them without busting off the entire
ent_fire l2 clearparent; ent_fire l1 clearparent; wait; wait; ent_fire l1
kill; ent_fire l2 kill
If you want lasers just stick your own on.
Also a copy gun break down of it's limbs fully welded can be downloaded here. In
the right arm somehow there is a duplicate box in the top, I forget which one it
was, and still can't figure out for the life of me how it got there. The feet
pose a special problem, you will need to detach the rocks from the paint bucket
and weld them to the base and to each other. You might want to slip a small flat
object under it to make it stable.
There are some screenshots of it
And just a small clip of it moving about.
The E Fort V3, Large Fort built in Garry's Mod, over 1550 props. Filmed on location in the "Tubes of the Internets."
Original post on Facepunch:
While you're watching this, here is some basic info about this fort:
There are over 1550 props in this fort.
It took about 2 weeks to get completely in order.
The security system took about 60 hours of coding and modifing to get to where
it is now.
There will be no save, GMod saves corrupts way before this amount of props, I
have a vmf available for download.
This Fort was built in the FaceWAN private server, filming was also done there
as well as some larger parts were done in SP.
The computer room was furbished by l337Espeon.
As with the last I also released a link to download the original video in it's
original quality.
http://rapidshare.de/files/30166831/v3-final-high.avi - Rapidshare
http://files.filefront.com/v3_final_highavi/;5435699;;/fileinfo.html -
- Ihud
Some of the random Buildings and stuff, the shooting range and the security cgs,
I tried twice to make these buildings, .sav both times resulting in a bad string
on load, causing it to fail.
http://rapidshare.de/files/30093745/RandomCgs.rar - Rapidshare
http://files.filefront.com/RandomCgsrar/;5432473;;/fileinfo.html -
http://www.ihud.com/file.php?file=files/200806/1156077984/RandomCgs.rar -
WILL CRASH!!! This is for opening and viewing in Hammer.
http://rapidshare.de/files/29824790/v3-Full.rar - Rapidshare
http://files.filefront.com/v3_Fullrar/;5420363;;/fileinfo.html -
http://www.ihud.com/file.php?file=files/190806/1155952289/v3-Full.rar -
You need to have all of these model packs viewable in hammer.
Phoenix Mod 2.1, with patch 2.2
PC Tuning v5
I am not going to explain how to do this in a pm or anything so listen up here.
1. Get the model packs.
2. Make a backup of your Half-Life 2/hl2 folder.
3. Copy the models, and materials folders.
4. Paste the models, and materials folders into the your Half-Life 2/hl2 folder.
5. Open hammer and check, if this doesn't work don't complain to me about it.
E Fort Spawnable VMF Download !!!SPAWN A, then B, then C, and
finally D.!!! If you don't have a superb machine, I would not suggest doing
http://rapidshare.de/files/29824915/V3-Spawn.rar - Rapidshare
http://files.filefront.com/V3_Spawnrar/;5420397;;/fileinfo.html -
http://www.ihud.com/file.php?file=files/190806/1155952237/V3-Spawn.rar -
Unfortunately I was going to have spetsnaz do this area, I don't think that
there will be any done, there simply is just too many props.
The second version of the E Fort made in Garry's MOD with lots of space complete with the usual (cars, planes, and the Minge Burner 5000!)
Original post on Facepunch: http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=143131
I uploaded the video to youtube as well only to find that the sound effects that
I had worked hours getting in place screwed up.
Just a note: All sounds that you hear were manually put in, not from the video
Here's the save along with the configuration file to see how it was done.
Needed Mods:
Gmow v3
PcTuning v5
Phoenix Models 2.2
A Fort made in Garry's MOD with 5 floors complete with cars, a plane, and the Minge Burner 5000!
Original post on Facepunch: http://forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=136126
Here are some snapshots to go with it.
I managed to get a SP save created, I included inside of the zip file a
configuration file that you have to execute on load.
The following mods are required:
PcTuning V5
PhoeniX-Storms MODEL PACK #2
PhoeniX-Storms MODEL PACK 2.2 (Patch)
The save file download is in the link below.
I did not place the vehicles in the save for a couple reasons. Mainly because no
collides are not saved as of yet and the fact that someone might want to do
different vehicles.
I would suggest using the lift and drag lua script for any plane that you decide
to make.
That's it for now.